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Thursday, November 11, 2010

YAG Thanksgiving (11/23)

YAG Thanksgiving Dinner
Tue, November 23, 6pm – 9pm
Where: Ben Horne's (8493 La Jolla Shores Dr, La Jolla, CA)

Top 10 Reasons Why You Can't Miss YAG Thanksgiving

1) There will be turkey (and veggie equivalent, I hope) made by Tara Almazan who took the day off of work for you. Blood, sweat, and tears (all in your turkey).

2) You get to show off all your cooking skills and be the buzz of the party. Some possible things you might hear about your dish:
"Who made these sweet potatoes? I want to be their friend."
"These green beans are so fresh! I want to go produce shopping with you."
"These rolls are so warm and gooey on the inside, just like you!"
"Mashed potatoes and gravy are my favorite. I am so thankful for you." (It's really my favorite. Someone make it for me.)

3) Your parents already turned your room into their storage area, or guest room, or gym, or art gallery. Who knows? Point is: they have moved on, and so should you. (Seriously, it's on a Tuesday, you should go see your family still if they're close).

4) There will be no traffic, baggage checks, taking your shoes off and forgetting to wear socks, random security searches, or weather delays on your way to Ben's pad.

5) All your friends will be there. (Well, at least Ben, Tara, and I will be there there. That should be enough for you.)

6) Ben's house can fit about 100 people. We want the Fire Marshall to come give us a warning.

7) Dessert!

8) Wine!

9) Flag football! (If enough people say the want to do it. Email me.)

10) Give thanks for all our blessings, especially the people God has allowed us to spend our time on Earth with. (One serious one)


Email me if you'd like to bring something and can't think of anything. I can suggest something for you as the date draws closer. If you plan to bring something, please let us know by clicking here. There will be plenty of food, so a small dish is appropriate (you don't have to have enough for everyone). Otherwise, just show up and enjoy yourself. Bring a friend.

- Huy

Sunday, November 7, 2010

November Second Sunday Supper Recap

About 25 of YAGs gathered for Second Sunday Supper for November that was actually on the First Sunday. We had some good Mediterranean food from Cafe Athena brought by Andrea, and then I led a discussion on the life of Saint Stephen, the first martyr, and my patron saint. Here are the notes that I took in preparation for leading the discussion.

Who is he?
Saint Stephen is the first Christian martyr and one of the first deacons. He was stoned and ironically the patron saint of stonemasons and headaches (in Medieval times).

Why did i choose him?
He's my patron saint and I wanted to learn more about him.

The Story of Saint Stephen (Acts Chapter 6-7):
There was a division between Hellenist (Greek-speaking Jews) and Hebrews (Aramaic and Hebrew speaking Jews). The widows of the Hellenist were being neglected during the daily distribution.

The twelve asked the community to select seven men who would take on this task so that they may continue to "pray and minister the word". One of the men selected was Saint Stephen who quickly became a very charismatic preacher.

He was killed because he preached that Jesus superseded Mosaic Law and that the hearts of his people were God's dwelling place, not the Temple. His betrayal, trial, death, and even his last words were similar to Jesus:
"Lord Jesus receive my spirit. Do not hold this sin against them."

What his life tells me about how I should live my life:
Being a Christian in the early church was dangerous. People died so that one day someone like me wouldn't have to. His life tells me to live a life worthy of their sacrifice. Live a life with the same conviction and faith that he had.

Discussion topics:
In the early church the community selected the deacons (and presumably other religious leaders), do you think this could work now?

Why do people have to die before we appreciate them and their message? Does their death (usually violent) make their message stronger or is it some weakness on our part that we don't appreciate people until they are gone?

I believe martyrs can sometimes be created and used for political/personal gain (e.g. Pat Tillman). Can you think of other examples? Discuss.

- Huy

Monday, November 1, 2010

November YAG Events

There are many Young Adult and Graduate Student Events for November. Please take 2 minutes of your time to read through and see if anything appeals to you. We would love to see you at any/all.

Second Sunday Supper
Sun, November 7, 6:30pm – 8:00pm
Where: Roetter Hall

We will be having Second Sunday Supper (SSS) a week early this month. I will be leading a discussion on Saint Stephen and martyrdom. Dinner will be provided (suggested donation $5). Please RSVP here so we can properly plan dinner for you. The next email you will get is a form for you to fill out if you plan on attending. Or you can click on this link and fill out the information.

Reconciliation Service
Wed, November 10, 7:30pm – 9:00pm
Where: Good Samaritan's

The Catholic Community at UCSD will have a Reconciliation Service on Wednesday, November 10th. I have heard there are FIVE priests. I know many of you, so that might not be enough to get the job done.

Third Tuesday Taize
Tue, November 16, 7pm – 8pm
Where: Good Samaritan's

Third Tuesday Taize (TTT) will be held at it's normal time and place for the month. Please join us for an hour of prayer and singing Taize style. We've been doing this for a year now, and it's gotten progressively better with live instruments and talented singers. Help us keep the momentum going.

YAG Retreat
Fri, November 19 – Sun, November 21
Where: Cuyamaca Mountains

Ben is organizing the YAG retreat this Fall. He has had a Sierra Club cabin booked since the summer time in preparation for a relaxing, prayerful, and faithful getaway. We will be hiking and dissecting the Creed together. Father Joseph will do masses for us both days. Cost is $20-30 based on food and lodging. Please email Ben ( if you are interested, and he will hook you up with the details as the date draws closer.

YAG Thanksgiving Dinner
Tue, November 23
Where: Ben Horne's (8493 La Jolla Shores Dr, La Jolla, CA)

Ben will also host YAG Thanksgiving. If you haven't made your travel arrangements for the holidays (and even if you have), please come for an early Thanksgiving Dinner. Turkey is already on the menu. We just need to have sides, dessert, and drinks.

- Huy