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Friday, March 19, 2010

Mountain Getaway Recap

The YAGS mountain getaway was a huge success. The weather seemed to turn to spring just as we arrived on March 12 so sunny moderate mountain weather shone down for two days of slopes, fellowship and excellent eats...those who missed it can only wait until next year, training for the mountains by sharpening their snowboarding skills on “practice” trips.

Tiffany provided the housing hookup in scenic Big Bear at a discount price due to her many high-placed connections. Laura was all over the food and designed gourmet meals, highlighted by four huge lasagnas on Saturday night. Sean provided critical beverages. Father Joseph said Saturday and Sunday masses so we could get our spiritual fix. Jake provided the soundtrack.

In the hills, Steph and Tony led a crew on a hike of a trail that turned out to be half mud, half snow. Tony also built a snow cave and went for a run, completing the tri-fecta of mountain activities.

On the slopes of the Big Bear resorts Huy led the pack of snowboarders with Andrew, only in his first season, not far behind. Tara, Christina and Ben rounded out the experienced boardercrew, with the lowlight being Ben landing on his head after catching too much air on a jump...only to be saved from injury by the helmet Huy had recently given to him...

Mark was an ace on skis on the double diamonds and inspired 5 beginners making their ski debut, led by Martin, the natural, who didn't even fall once on his first day, except at the end just to check how it was done.  Anisha, Srikanth, Ewa and John also started their addiction to downhill sports. Tina probably would have been the downhill queen but elected to read objectivist propaganda rather than embrace the perfect weather on the slopes. To give her credit, she made the trip on extreme sleep deprivation and it was surprising she made it through the weekend awake.

At night, Tara and Jake were the pros of the evening game with probably as many points as the entire other team. Other late night shenannigans included snowball fights and snowman building. In the morning, Ewa cooked some tremendous pizzas, and the eggs and pancakes rounded out the perfect brunch with John and Andrew slaving over the stovetop. Ben and Christina closed out the weekend with a jump into big bear lake for a brief 33 degree swim.

In short, the weekend was the best YAGS overnight of the year...until next month, at Joshua Tree... 


- BenJammin'

Monday, March 8, 2010

Second Sunday Supper - March 14th

This Sunday, March 14th, the YAG group will be having our next Second Sunday Supper after the 5:30pm mass! Come for good food, great discussion, and fabulous company. This month's speaker is Fr. Joseph; he'll lead a discussion on a parable. The cost of dinner is only $7.

Please sign up on this form to help us have an idea of how many people to get food for! Other questions? Contact Stephanie (

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Taize Prayer and Adoration (Mar 3, 7-10PM)

It's not the Third Tuesday of the month yet, but its Lent, so there is extra Taize. Taize Prayer and Adoration is this First Friday, at 7pm. It's open to the whole church community, but we (YAGgermeisters) are in charge. We will have Julie to play piano so the music should be a real treat. Taize will go till 8, then Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will continue until 10 PM. Come for all or part for a special Lenten Friday!

 - Ben

YAG Lenten Walk Recap

Over 20 YAGs came together Feb 20th for the Lenten Walk. This day retreat began at 11am with introductions, lunch, and a talk on discernment by Fr. Joseph followed with discussion.

The Examen prayer is a Jesuit way of praying that helps us examine our exercises of faith in daily life. It is generally divided into 5 steps, and discussion of these steps formed the remainder of our day retreat. (For more info on the Examen prayer, see below or visit this website.) YAGs Stephanie, Ben, and Tony gave talks introducing various aspects of the Examen prayer. We spent half the day in Torrey Pines State Park enjoying the great weather and beautiful setting and spending time in discussion and reflection.

We came back to Roetter Hall for a closing Mass at 3:30pm with Fr. Joseph. It was a great way to end our day retreat and continue on our Lenten journey.

Check out pictures from the retreat:

Thanks to all who could attend and participate! And a very special thanks to those that met throughout the past month to help plan the Lenten retreat or that volunteered to help lead a talk or prayer during the retreat - Jennie, Shannon, Edwin, Tony, Stephanie, Ben & Tara!

The Examen Prayer:
Transition: I become aware of the love with which God looks upon me as I begin this Examen
Step 1: Gratitude. I note the gifts that God's love has given me this day, and I give thanks to God for them.
Step 2: Petition. I ask God for an insight and a strength that will make this Examen a work of grace, fruitful beyond my human capacity alone.
Step 3: Review. With my God, I review the day. I look for the stirrings in my heart and the thoughts that God has given me this day. I look also for those that have not been of God. I review my choices in response to both, and throughout the day in general.
Where was God in all of this today?
Toward what was the Lord calling me in the day?
How did I respond to this call?
Were there inclinations and thoughts this day that were not of God?
If there were, was I able to discern and resist them?
Was the use of my freedom in accord with God's loving desire for me today?
Step 4: Forgiveness. I ask for the healing touch of the forgiving God who, with love and respect for me, removes my heart's burdens.
Step 5: Renewal. I look to the following day and, with God, plan concretely how to live it in accord with God's loving desire for my life.
Transition: Aware of God's presence with me, I prayerfully conclude the Examen.