Super Bowl Party/BBQ
Sun, February 7, 2pm – 6pm
Where: Ben's (8493 La Jolla Shores Dr, La Jolla, CA)The Indianapolis Colts vs the New Orleans Saints play in Super Bowl XLIV in Miami. We are watching. Kick-off is at 3 PM.
If you don't like football (what is wrong with you?) the commercials are usually just as entertaining - so is watching large men in pads and tights hit, grab, and claw at each other with reckless abandon for three hours.
I will bring turkey/veggie burger stuffs and a case of Bud. That is a party in itself already. More snacks, drinks, etc is welcome as always. If you can come, email me and let me know if you can bring anything (and what). All are welcome. Spread the word. If the cops come, it will be a big success (let's relive our college days).